Wednesday 29 April 2009

Teething Problems

We are having some pretty cool issues to get through these past days. We have been praying for our teens to get tighter as a group and for them to desire to be together and encourage each other when they are together. The reality is that our prayers are being answered, but we have some work ahead of us to get things worked out. Things were made clear on Monday nights, which is our night for the primary school kids. Steadily over the past month we have seen the teens growing in number to want to come and help out with the class. This is a dream to see them want to be there for a third night in the week. They come faithfully on Friday and Wednesday nights and now Mondays! I said we have to work through some things and here is why. There were 15 teens there to "help out" on Monday night. And for the most part they were a great help. However it became clear during the games part of the class, which is the last half hour, that the teens presence was overpowering and some tended to forget that the class is for the little ones. I am hugely encouraged by their enthusiasm to be together and to be with us at the church building, but we need to adjust things a little so that Monday's stays very much a primary school age focused class. Tonight in my class we will try to work through the process.

On the whole things are brilliant with the kids! Things continue to grow in numbers, but more importantly the group are growing in faith. Since Thomas' baptism he is showing good signs of growing. He has started to help out at Crimond school with our football after school club and is a fantastic influence with the kids. Rachel, Thomas' girlfriend is doing really well too. Rachel is growing in faith and is having a real influence on her friends. Two of Rachel's friends have started coming over the past couple of weeks. I was hugely encouraged to see evidence of growth when I see Rachel and Jessica now really good friends. Only two months ago they were arch enemies and could hardly stand to b in the same room as each other, but have allowed godly character to lead their lives and the result is obvious.

We are in full swing with our prep for this years campaign with the Harding students. I am excited at what we have planned for this year. God wiling, our vision will be in keeping with His will and the opportunity for growth and focus will become reality. Alex and I have been working with the teens to get the active things worked out and I have to say that this years scavenger hunt looks like it will be brilliant! We still have to polish the school assembly program a bit, but the skeleton is there and again we are excited that the kids will be blessed!

Just a couple of things about this past week. Our Friday night class was magic! We didn't have the numbers we usually have, but the class was special! The lesson was on transformation. I talked about a persons value in God's eyes. Everyone has the same value at all times, but it is our destination that changes when we accept Jesus and commit to follow Him.

I was preaching on Sunday night and we had the meeting in the youth hall and had a cup of tea and fellowship afterward. I asked the question "Are you a Spender or a Saver?" People who spend their life in debt to Satan, or do you spend your live laying up treasure in heaven? It was a good night.

We have had some great assemblies this week! Clerkhill is a big school and we were able to teach the P1-3's Yesterday. We talked about being moulded and the importance of not letting the right things and the right people, ultimately God and His goodness, mould us. It was fun!

I continue to enjoy my "Coffee Times" and all who come and talk have the kingdom at heart and want to see it strengthened and growing.

Enough for now - please continue to pray for the growth we are seeing and that balance can be found. God bless!


Anonymous said...

This time next week I will be in the air. I will call you today sometime.

Take care.


Joe Leal said...

Billy, this is Joe Leal from El Dorado, AR. Greetings to you and your family from the body that meets on Hillsboro Street. I enjoy reading your blog and I am encouraged by the great work the Lord is performing through you at Peterhead. I will pray for greater things and that God will be even more glorified through his earthen vessels.

When I read the title of your sermon "Are you a spender or a saver", I was interested in how you made it flow. I love the title and how it appeared to mean one thing (our money) and related it to something spiritual. Would you be able to share your notes on that sermon. I would be most interested in using it in the near future. Of course I would give credit where credit is due.

With that I must go now. May the strength of God always be with you giving you strength to do His will.

In His service,

Shireen said...

Just wanted to say that the Friday Night Class, Last night was truely amazing. Danielle, Tash and Myself, was deeply encouraged by it and it has given us a "big boost!" ... See you soon,


bfstrachan said...

For you Joe:

Do you live your life spending or saving?

Illustrate: This is a Culture that loves to SHOP!

Archaeology has unearthed much about early civilisation.

What they did and where they went – Worship and places to worship is big!

What would archaeologists tell years from now about our civilisation?

SHOPPING CENTRES – not places for worship to God!!!

Spending means Borrowing and borrowing means there is INTEREST to PAY!

We are a culture that understands how borrowing and interest works!

A life lived Borrowing from SATAN for the Pleasures of this World will at some point cost a HIGH price

Illustrate: Prodigal Son.

“Coming to our senses” – Recognising where this World has led you too and recognising your need to “Be still and know that I am God!”

Saving means contentment and there will be INTEREST PAID to you!

A life lived Saving with God will pay out a reward in the end.

Illustrate: “But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven!”

John 4, Jesus is the LIVING WATER! Jesus SATISFIES!

When this World always leaves you wanting more – Jesus Satisfies.

Jesus paid the Price! The Interest due that ultimately leaves us in Debt to God and destined to be separated from His Glory for ever.