Monday, 18 October 2010

Special Wedding!

Weddings are always special times, but every once in a while one comes along that just stands out a little more. Saturday night was one of those weddings. The bride, previously known as Miss Green, has had a huge influence in the lives of Amy and Beth in regard to their music. Rachel Gill (Miss Green) asked both Amy and Beth to take part in her wedding ceremony, along with three other of her music pupils. Beth had the huge honour of playing the bride down the isle to the tune of "Gabriel's oboe," a gorgeous piece of music, and played it beautifully! Amy had the honour of singing "The Prayer" at the reception, her performance was breathtaking! Fenella and I were extremely proud of our girls and once again we were faced with the joy of knowing our girls can produce such beauty - they are truly blessed!
Anyway, forgive me in sharing my little bit of pride with you all. There are times it just needs to be shared!
God bless!

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