I finished up my last post commenting that God may not be quite finished yet and today's events have backed this up! This afternoon I went round to talk with Donald as we had arranged earlier. I knew he was close to the kingdom, but didn't know how our time together would work out. It was not long into our talk when his honesty about exactly where he was, in relation to taking the next step, was made clear. Donald, like the rest of us, has a healthy respect for the "sinful nature" that is constantly waging war against us. He was worried that in his own mind he was not perfect enough to commit to Christ. In response I commented about God knowing our innermost being and that His desire is to transform us. Would Donald ever be perfect enough? The sooner Christ is accepted and the Spirit begins to convict and challenge, the sooner his life would begin to be free from the fear of sin and the guilt of falling short. I asked if he was watching one of his sons go through a tough time if he could just stand back and watch, or if he would get right in there to protect and provide. We talked about God's desire to give us, as His children, what we need to bring about the best in us. We talked about living with hope and forgiveness rather that fear and sin. I simply asked which of the two paths he would rather choose. From that point on there was clarity in Donald's voice and his thinking. I asked if he were to commit his life to Christ, when would that be. His response was immediate and deadly serious, "NOW!" His mind was made up and all the wrestling over the past weeks was at an end! We prayed together and then began the joy of sharing the news. I had to smile when he phoned Wendy to tell her. I could hear her scream from the other side of the room :) It was then a bit of a blur as we worked on getting things organised. A little side point here, I think Donald and I share a similar trait of forgetfulness! As I had no car I needed to get to Fenella's work to get the car, but on the way we were so busy talking that we were driving in the totally wrong area of the town. We both looked at each other and asked the same question, "Where are we supposed to be going?" Anyway, at 7.00pm we all got to the building and shared another heavenly moment witnessing Donald become a child of the King! I talked for a wee bit before taking his confession. I wanted to read Romans 6, but my eyes were blurry and I asked someone to read for me. Jordan (Donald's son) stood up and read - it was amazing! I loved being able to listen and to the words as he read. It was a special moment! It was my honour to then take Donald's confession. Donald could hardly make the "Yes" audible, but his expression and tears spoke louder than his voice ever could. We prayed and took the few steps down into the water and said goodbye to old Donald Sutherland, but then said hello to the new and Spirit filled child of the most high God! I have to comment on what Shaun said after we got changed and were mingling with everyone. Shaun who is 18 welcomed Donald who is, well a bit older, with these words, "I now have a baby brother!" It was priceless! Jordon caught on to the concept and pointed out that his dad was now his baby brother too!
It is a joy to know that we now have a family committed to God and a home where God is now honoured. I am excited to see how God will use them in the plans for His kingdom here in Peterhead.
Our God He is ALIVE!
Welcome to the Family of God, Donald. I look forward to meeting you in June when I bring a group of students to Peterhead in June. May God bless you in your journey with Christ.
God is praised as you work His work in your community. I rejoice with those who have accepted our Lord in Baptism. May you be blessed as you bless others.
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