Wednesday, 13 April 2016

A Little Gem...

This post is simply to share some really good news and to introduce our most recent babes in Christ. A couple of weeks ago both Kathleen and Ian Fyfe accepted the call of Christ and are now safe in His mercy and grace. This has been a very timely and powerful reminder of God's power! Ian and Kathleen have shown a hunger and awareness that is not often seen. It has been such an encouragement for the church to witness the power of the gospel. From conviction to cleansing we saw the evidence of hearts aching for salvation and this finding fruition in their surrender to baptism and allowing God's grace to do the rest. 

Kathleen is Jordan's NaNa (Scots term for Grandmother). Over the past months they had witnessed Jordan's life and his faith and undoubtedly he was part of the fabric that now weaves their own faith. Kathleen Ian and Jordan have a close relationship and they will be instrumental in each other's journey along the Way. 

It was joy for us to study and come alongside these two kindred souls and it will be our continued pleasure to walk the same road till our Saviour calls us home. 

There have been many who were instrumental in the teaching of Ian and Kathleen. My uncle Alex (Shoney) Strachan and my mum and dad who have known Kathleen all her life. On the night of their baptism Alex took their confessions and I was waiting in the water to get them under :)

"God is good and His love endures forever!"

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