Wednesday 7 May 2008


It's been a wee while since my last entry, but all for good reason. I am at that point that so much activities have passed in the last few days that I can't remember everything. I am not going to try, but it goes without saying that campaign prep has taken up quite a few hours. I was glad the pipes and fittings were delivered on Saturday, which meant that 1st thing on Monday morning I was busy getting the puppet stage made. I'm quite proud of the finished article and we just have to cover the frame with fabric and that will be that!

I was preaching again on Sunday morning and loved the prep time for the lesson. I developed the lesson I taught at the older boys class on being "Outstanding" and challenged the church not to be a little different from the world, but to be outstanding. It was good to be able to preach for the second Sunday in a row and continue from where we left of last week. Even with all the activity in getting ready for campaign it did my soul good to focus on study and be challenged by the word.

So far I have had 3 assemblies this week, two yesterday and one this morning. I have been excited about this mornings for a while now, as I have tried for years to get into Buchanhaven school. This morning was the 1st assembly I have done there and it was phenomenal! I feel richly blessed to have another door that has now become open to the influence of godliness. Today I talked about "Forgiveness, Compassion and Humility" and the kids were amazing! There was an instant connection and this was obvious from their involvement and input throughout the lesson.

It is now less than a week till our campaign begins and I am confident we have organised many opportunities for God to be active amongst us and for the community to be blessed. I would really appreciate all of your prayers in light of our campaign. We are trying a series of parenting classes for the first time and although it's easy to see the need in our community for this, it's quite another thing to get the community to see that they need God's instruction. So, please keep our efforts in your prayers.

Catch up later - God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work Billy Bongo.
I hope the campaign is a success. I am sure it will be. Andrew got his orange belt at karate on Saturday. We are getting excited about coming over soon. I hope you are practicing your golf game.
