Tuesday 25 August 2009

Prayers needed

This past week has been great! We got all the classes up and running again for the new term and most of the school stuff is up and running too - amazing! On Friday night with the teens we sat for a while and talked about our summer. I asked the kids, "Did you take time to notice God at any point through the summer?" I wanted to try to gauge if the kids were thinking godly things when they are away from classes and out there on their own. We had some good responses one of the most obvious was Thomas' comments about watching his mum recover from serious illness and how his mum would always confirm it was because of God that she came through it all. We talked about this coming term and what we needed to get from the class. We are excited about this coming Friday when 17 of us will spend the weekend at the Aberdeen Youth Weekend. Alex, Angie and myself will take a group of 14 teens through! I am for the most part excited about taking the group, however I am praying that one or two respond well to being in a healthy setting and away from their "Normal" unhealthy surroundings. I am confident, and have shared with the group my faith in them, that they will thrive in the company at Aberdeen. We have a bunch of older teens now who are really beginning to stabilise the group and are proving to be sound examples for the rest to follow. In light of the weekend I ask for you all to be in prayer for us. I know God has plans for our group and this weekend will play a huge part in the continual watering of their faith and their desire to find Christ. I continue to have faith that God will do great things in and through these young lives and I ask for your support in prayer.

On Sunday it was my joy to preach in the morning. I was sooo encouraged and challenged as I prepared the message. My heart finally rested in John 12:1-11 when Mary comes to Christ and shows her unreserved devotion and love to her Lord. I was challenged to ask the question, "Do I approach Christ in this same way?" The contrast between Mary's beautiful worship and Judas' shock at what he was witnessing made for a great lesson. I was humbled to consider whether I come to lavish my gift on Christ or whether like Judas I come wondering what will be in it for me! The church responded well to the message and I pray we were challenged to be more like Mary in her devotion to Christ.

Yesterday I had a great time in the morning meeting with Angie and Alex as we talked about what we wanted to do with the Monday night class for the primary school kids. The time was well spent! I am grateful to God for the obvious concern and love expressed for the kids and our desire to share good things with them. We came up with some ideas for Angie to take a group of kids at the start of the class and make some cards. The cards were to let some kids who came a while ago, but no longer come, that we miss them and would love to see them back. Angie will also work on some crafts and cool things to make up a goody box in time for Christmas. The class last night was fantastic! Time seemed to fly. I asked Alex what time it was and it was 7.40! We had so much fun with the kids and they all left very happy and influenced for good!

I mentioned that the school ministries are up and running too. I must try to share some of the joy I receive at the beginning of a new term. I will be out and about and my mobile will ring, on the phone will be a school inviting me to take assemblies and giving me the dates for the term! It is such an encouragement to know that God is being invited to school and I get the joy of bringing Him to the kids! Alex and I have already enjoyed the first session back at Anna Ritchie school. In a way it is fitting that they were the first because I have to admit I have a special place in my heart for our ministry there. We play football every Friday afternoon and the head teacher is always one of the first to call at the beginning of term to make sure we are coming! We have about 15+ kids and the joy that is given and received is priceless - God is great! Anyway, this week sees the start of most of our school activities, so again I ask for your prayers in this amazing opportunity we have to work with the schools.

I will finish with some family news. I have to say that I am delighted to be the father of four beautiful girls! Each has given me great joy and reason to be proud. Amy has started a new job at a shoe store. Shaun and Andrew Main's mum called and asked if Amy wanted a job! She knew Amy would be reliable and asked for her specifically. Amy has so much maturity and sense of responsibility. Amy has also taken on two music students and is teaching piano, again this was due to her piano teacher recommending Amy to families who had been on her waiting list for a while and rather that them loosing interest asked if Amy would take them on as students! These are healthy signs but I am most encouraged by witnessing Amy take a lead in spiritual things. I watched her along with Shireen and Danielle come up with some service ideas that will do much good for our church. Well, Beth too is maturing fast! She continues to thrive at her new school and loves music! Fenella shared something with me last night that brought a lump to my heart. Beth had been commenting how that there were no Christians that she knew of at the new school and had decided to devote some of her study time to the bible and her prayer journal. It's one thing for Fenella and I to encourage this kind of thing, but quite something else when it is freely give through choice. We do miss Beth, big time, through the week and we know it is hard for her sometimes to be away from her family. She phones in the morning before jumping on the school bus and it lights up our start to the day.

Holly and Hannah have started in the junior orchestra! They play the violin and this past Saturday morning was their first time to rehearsals. They enjoyed it and were excited that at their first concert they will be playing one of their favorite pieces, that Amy and Beth played with their orchestras, "The Lord of the dance." They are enjoying their P5 class and their new teacher, Mrs McRory. Both are very excited about their projects for this term, Holly has "Roald Dhal" and Hannah has "The Royal Family." Both are putting together Power Points and telling me that they need memory sticks for school to get their files too and from school - sign of the times eh! Like their big sisters, Holly and Hannah enjoy their classes at church. They are very active on Monday and Wednesday nights and already show a keen desire and depth for their faith.

Fenella and I are muddling through. We have all the strains and concerns that are common to any family - like where is the money going to come from for University and the constant search for money to cover that extra lessons or books the girls need as they add to their abilities and stretch their gifts. When everything is said and done I would not change a thing! Fenella continues to be the wind in my sails. When I get to stressing and worrying, Fenella fills my sails with the needed breezes to keep me going. I am reminded of my facebook status which is, "Love is all around me!"

God bless and keep us in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Good work Billy Bongo!

Have fun in Aberdeen.


Anonymous said...

Billy, your work in the ministry is amazing, and i pray it continues to do well.