Friday 11 September 2009

That sinking feeling again!

I know the title of this blog is a bit dramatic, but there is an element of truth in it all the same. We are beginning the process of having to raise funds to support my family in ministry again. Every now and again we have to stop and devote time to this "Hard" part of ministry. We have lost some support and need to try and replace $1,250 a month. This is a huge part of our support and we are well aware of the implications this causes my family. This is our 10th year in ministry since leaving the physical fishing nets for the spiritual ones. We have been in this position before and God has always provided! This gives me hope and assurance that He will again come to our aid - if He is willing. I know that my God is "able to do immeasurably more" and I put my trust in His people to see the usefulness of our ministry here in Peterhead, Scotland. Anyone who has stood where I am standing knows the path ahead. In my experience it has never been an easy path, but it has always been a blessed one. I am continually amazed by the direction this journey takes and the people and families I have come to know and love as a result of previous journeys. Setting out with the purpose of finding churches or individuals to invest in the work of the kingdom is not always as simple as you might imagine. For me is is one of the hardest things I have to overcome. I find it tough to sell myself, which although misses the point of my ministry altogether, I have to do in order to be able to stand before churches and missions teams to share what God is doing through me and many here in Peterhead. I know this is a stab in the dark, but I also know that behind these words is an awesome God, so I might be underestimating His plans even as I write this. If you are in a position to help get my appeal to the right people or in fact are moved to help yourself, please help me in this journey. Either leave a comment or e-mail me at if you can help. If you have minute or two please lift a petition to our Father on our behalf - God bless!

This is not my usual style, but the times call for action and I will use whatever means I have to make sure I can continue to serve in this place of lost souls. I have a responsibility to Fenella and my girls first and I need to know as a father that they are provided for. I pray that God finds us useful and that this weight is lifted soon.

God bless!


Daisha said...

You, your family, and your efforts to impact Scotland for Jesus, are always in our prayers.
-JR, Daisha, Gideon and Naomi

Anonymous said...

hey dad :) just to let u know that im praying for you this week !
love beth xxxx