As I was thinking about what to share in this post it became clear to me that the content of my blogs often follow a similar structure. My first reaction was that my ministry is predictable and repetitive, but on reflection I think the better way to look at it is consistant. Although there are some slight shifts in my focus the core of my ministry remains true to what it was over 10 years ago. My heart is still very much focused on youth and outreach, but I am very concious that over time as some are committing their lives to Christ and now progressing into their late teens and early 20's, I have a natural connection and desire to continue mentoring and counciling as they grow. I love what God is doing here and anticipate continued growth for the kingdom.
It was last Sunday morning I was hit with a smack of awareness that things are moving in the right direction. During our Sunday morning worship Jordan Sutherland was doing the public bible reading for the first time and did an outstanding job. I had the joy of preaching that morning and was able to encourage the Brethren before my lesson with an overview of how the young Christains are growing and active in sharing their faith. A couple of weeks prior to Jordan's reading Thomas was up there to for the first time reading. Donald was up assisting at the table. Donald also led our closing prayer at our last men's meeting! I was also able to mention all the work our teens are doing behind the scenes in our classes and that C.J and Megan Cowie are now teaching the P1 to 3's class on a Wednesday night! Shaun continues to show great desire for the Word and always has spiritually charged points during our lesson times with the youth. This brings joy to our church and screams that God is working in their lives.
My work with the schools has continued to be a source of purpose for me. During the various assembly times I have share this term I have had the joy of sharing a lesson on being generous with what God has blessed us with. I have loved the kids response as I share the story of the "Widow's mite." I have two kids come up to play the part of the rich giving and one to play the widow. The rich one I give loads of bags of gold chocolate coins and ask him to throw one bag to charity and share that the widow only has two pennies, everything she has, but gives them away. I then ask the kids who gave the most? Over 90% of the kids know that the widow has given more even though she put in less coins. We then shared an application based on our abbilities and gifts God gives us to use. Even though in some areas we have little to give, it isn't about the quantity but it is about our willingness and desire to share what we have for the good of others. I also make the point that Jesus notices when we make the effort!
With my after school clubs I must say that I am loving them too. I am working with a younger group at Meethill school this term - the P4's and 5's :) They are lovely and if our first session last Thursday afternoon is an indication of what is to come then I am excited! I tend to forget the impact these after school stuff is having untill I am in Morrisons or Asda getting messages and there are all these kids with their parents waving and talking to me. My Tuesday afternoons are out at Crimond coaching football. Again, I love the the excitment and happiness, especially with the P1-4's, as they come and go to the session. The older ones are a bit more compettitive and aware of their ability and they tend to need a lot more council rather than coaching, but the outcome is the same - relationships! On Friday afternoons I finish the school week with Anna Ritchie! Every week there is something that captures my heart with them :) This week it was James Cantly and his "never give up" mentality. James had about 4 shots on target last week and if he had a stronger leg every one of them would have found the net, but because there wasn't enough power behind the shots the keeper would just manage to get over and save them. James didn't score, but when we were walking off the playground he was telling me how that next week he would score! What an encouragment to me, they all are!
We are having some amazing class times! This has been most obvious on Wednesday nights. We have seen growth in this class over the past two terms. On reflection it may be down to the involvement of the young Christains and their influence. Wednesday is when all ages are together, apart from the 35 minutes we split for class. There is an obvious joy and happiness in the air as they play and sing together. As I mentioned earlier C.J and Megan have the youngest class, Fenella teaches the middle class and I have the teens. These are encouraging times and if I let my mind run a wee bit wild I see generations involved together and passing the faith effectivelly to the one coming behind.
I have made a concious effort this term to spend more time in personal growth. I tendes to get so caught up in meeting the needs in others that I was not feeding myself. I will take a book on Monday morning and go to "my local," which is the Symposium Coffee Shop. I am loving the time to sit and litterally feel my tank being filled! I changed my Monday schedule so that I am not running home from Crimond at 4.45pm and rushing to get supper and away at 6.00pm for class with the young children. Now, I have time to get a wee bit more focused and less rushed. I have to say is is good :)
During the October Holiday when the girls were out of school we were able to enjoy family stuff. Fenella was off work for a week and we even got to meet up with Amy for a brief visit. Amy was up in Aberdeen performing with the Edinburgh University Chamber Choir and we were able to meet up for a wee while before the performance. It's hard coming to terms with family growing up and doing what they need to do. However, the fact that Amy is doing well and that she is very concientious about her decisions make Fenella and I proud. It was good to have Beth home for the break and get back to the normality of shouting up the stairs in the early afternoon for her to get up! I must admit, it was sooo nice to do that. Fenella and Beth were working on how they were going to get to all Beth's upcomig auditions. I was able to watch from a distance and be in total admiration of a mother's love and devotion. Fenella is such an amazing mum :) Anyway, we got time to play some badminton, go swimming, see the Three Musketeer's Movie and share a few driving experiences with Beth at the wheel.
I continue to enjoy the challenge of delivering a lesson to the church that will both encourage and enable the Spirit to have an avenue that causes us to desire holiness. We looked at Forgiveness and Generosity as an essential part of our being a servant and that no true act of service comes without sacrifice. If we are to meet the needs of the lost and hurting because of the brokeness of the flesh and of this world, we must engage with and shoulder some of their hurt. It is not an option, for a Christian, to pass by on the other side and be unaffected by the condition of the lost. Instead it is our joy to lead others to life and healing that is Christ's to give. God continues to open my eyes and my mind to the truths and the riches of His Word - may it ever be.
God Bless!
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