Friday 7 March 2008

Time is Flying!

These last days have been so fast. I am amazed how quick Thursdays seem to come round and can't believe another week has gone! On Wednesday I had a relaxing morning and was able to make it to Simpson's with Fenella. In the afternoon I had Dales Park School and ball games with the P5-7's. We had a brilliant session and the list of kids taking part continues to grow each week. I am so thankful for the opportunities at DP school.

At church we had a good time with the kids we had 2 new kids come tonight which is always nice. Fenella and Angie sorted out chicken burgers for the supper and the kids loved them. We had a good time just before going to classes the singing was great with Andrew Main, Lewis Emslie and Jake Crawford leading some of the songs. The "Bible Quick Draw" was as popular as ever. Hannah won the under 10's round, Julia the up to teens and Megan the teens. We got a nice surprise to see Billy Cheyne walk in tonight! It's always good to see him. After classes he came back to the house and visited for a while - he's a good guy! In class tonight we looked at Peter and his qualities as a disciple. Didn't quite get to where we needed and so will continue with Peter next week.

Thursday saw two more schools get on board for campaign - things are really starting to take shape now. Just waiting to hear back for one school now and that will be all 8 schools involved in our campaign - that's over 2,200 children!!! I also got an outing booked to the bowling alley in Fraserburgh for during the campaign. It will be open for Adults and teens and will hopefully get everyone together to get to know the campaign group better.

The older boys class tonight was fantastic! We didn't have as much as normal and maybe that made for a more intimate setting than usual. Rangers, one of the big Scottish soccer teams were playing in the European cup and many of the boys wanted to watch their team - they beat a German side 2-0 which is brilliant! Anyway, the lesson I stole from my Sunday night gospel, and challenged to boys to think about the Egyptians and their commitment to preparing for the afterlife. It went really well and I am confident that the lessons are getting through - I pray God is working on their hearts! When the girls arrived at 8 it was good to see so many come. Beth had invited her friends and 4 of them came - Lauren for the first time. We had 14 guys and 10 girls. The night was good and made better by the noise of the Buchan Ice Cream van outside the building.

Beth has been highly praised by her music tutor and has been told she needs a new oboe because her old one is not good enough any more, which is fantastic, but when she told us that the oboe she needed cost £1,600 we about fell away! Later that night Mrs Green, Beth's teacher called and gave us some extremely welcome news that the music council was going to fund £1,200 to purchase a used oboe for Beth! What a relief that was!!! Beth has also been invited to a week long residential "select" music retreat. We are thrilled for Beth.

Well, today Fenella and I will get to spend the afternoon with Amy and I will have more news about that tomorrow, we are really excited!
Both Amy and Beth are hugely gifted in the field of music - I often wonder where it all comes from. I must have hidden talent that has not been taped into yet in the musical sphere. Although, I suppose it could have something to do with Fenella too!

Anyway, more to follow - take care!


Lisa said...

It's so great to hear how plans are coming together for the campaign and the huge opportunity in the schools. I'm also really impressed with all your news about Beth and Amy's music abilities.
Take care,

Anonymous said...