Tuesday 4 March 2008

On the Campaign Trail

It has been a tough last couple of days. Getting ready for preaching both meetings on Sunday took it's toll. I am happy looking back that the congregation were blessed and challenged. It was so nice to get back to the house and change out of the suit and tie and unwind.

Monday was a full day! Had Crimond assembly in the morning and then Dales Park lunchtime club and back out to Crimond for football coaching in the afternoon. The greatest part of the day was talking about the Harding campaign group coming in May. I got three schools booked up to have the group - Central, Dales Park and Crimond. The really cool thing this year is the prep being done by the group who are working on specific programs for P1-4's and also for the P5-7's. This has allowed me to get the schools to agree to a slot of 90 minutes. 35 minutes with the P1-4's then a 20 minute session with the full student body and finishing up with a 35 minute slot with the P5-7's. I am very excited about this opportunity!

Today I got another two schools on board - Meethill who have agreed to the 90 minute program and also Anna Ritchie, which is the special needs school I work closely with. The 90 minute program would not work in Anna Ritchie so we will do a 45 minute full school assembly and then get to visit with the kids in their classes for a wee while. I have two more schools to get in touch with tomorrow and that will be the ground work started for the campaign starting in May.
Last night we had our class at the building for primary school kids and had a good class. It was encouraging that out of the 28 who were there 20 had done their task at home, which was to help cleaning up after supper. Tonight's lesson was Jesus being tempted by Satan, which was enthusiastically received. We only have two more weeks till MVP awards and next week will be their last test which makes up quite a bit of their points. We played some team games and had our prayer before refreshments. We had 5 teens as well as the adult help from Angie and Angela Stephen.

Today I was at Dales Park for two assemblies first thing. Had a good time and I am getting to know the children well now as a result of the lunchtime and after school clubs and it is having a good impact during assembly times. It was off to Central next for the P1's ball games at lunch-time. We had some fun with a huge beach ball. This afternoon I visited with other schools, getting them on board for taking the campaign group in May.

Looking forward to tomorrow - should have some time to take it a bit easier and of course there's our appointment with Simpson's tea room!
Good night!

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