Friday 20 June 2008

Cup Glory!

I know I'm busy when I forget all about my blog! In the beginning I was religious in keeping this thing on track, but these past weeks it seems like I'm loosing the plot a little. Anyway, let me try and recap all of the past days happenings.

I have to begin with last night and our Thursday night older boys class and teen class after. There were a bunch of guys there last night and we also had the privilege of Billy Cheyne and his friend, who happens to be a girl, Lindley. We had our usual time for football, which is always very competitive and very fantastic. I am more convinced now than ever that these are the essential times in the relational part of my ministry. After campaign and the evidence that people nowadays will not come to a "Gospel" meeting, I am confident that foundations have to be laid and connections made before anyone will give our message any credence. Last night I talked from the heart and told them about the importance of being connected to God who is the source of all things good and that life makes so much more sense when God is at the top of our worldview. I am confident that they listened and that some of it penetrated through to their hearts - God willing. The girl's turned up at 8.00 and the time just seemed to fly past, before we knew it, it was 9,20 and time to go home.

On Wednesday I got the chance to take our Anna Ritchie kids to a football competition, which they won. The final game came down to a penalty shootout and fortunately our boys held their nerve to win the game. I must say that I was very proud of the boys and it has been one of my years highlights. Later that evening I took a team of boys to another football competition from Crimond school, they did a great job, but didn't make it through to the play-off stage. Both occasions made for some great talk time with the guys and I have no doubt the day was a great success for all.

It has been good to have Jenny here and she has been able to spend a lot of time with me in the schools and share in the joy that is my ministry. In the past couple of weeks we have done 6 Assembly talks and and the general response has been very good. The next two weeks will be full around the schools as it is the close of term and we have been invited to so many "End of Term" shows and activities. It is always an exciting time as the kids face the changes of moving up to a new class.

I have begun making arrangements to go over to the States in August to try and make up the shortfall in our support. I would like to take this chance to make some kind of appeal to you all, to help us out a little with churches or people who might get involved with our work. It really is a tough call to leave everything here and devote a chunk of time to fund raise. I am concerned that if I am overseas too long then the ministry here suffers and my consistent contact with the community and schools breaks down for a while. I know this is all part of ministry, but my heart is sore at the thought of missed opportunity. So, please get in touch with me if you have any ideas - thanks.

Well, Beth was amazing at her concert! She spent 4 days as part of the Aberdeenshire Youth Orchestra doing a residential course. This is a gathering of all musically gifted kids from all over the Aberdeenshire area. She had a great time and her music is becoming an important part of her young life. The concert was really amazing - I am not into all that "classical" stuff, but I can still appreciate when something is good, and the orchestra was outstanding.

Well that's enough rambling for now!


Anonymous said...

Hello Billy Bongo

Have you booked your flight for coming over.

Have you any leads yet? I was talking to Andrew Baker about doing a teenage culture "Sink or Swin" seminar in Scotland.

What do you think?


bfstrachan said...

fit on earth is sink or swim Georgie Bungo