Friday 27 June 2008

Great Response

Just a quick blast before going to bed. Last night we challenged the teens to come to the meeting next Sunday night and their response was good! Looks like we might have the makings of a bridge here - God willing! John Campbell is going to do the singing and preside and I'll take over and give a short, but very pointed and direct gospel message. I am truly excited, with a kingdom kinda excitement - I do feel this will be a huge occasion for the church here.

Well, today was crazy. We had events at 4 schools today! First thing was an assembly at Burnhaven school. I talked about the "WOW Factor" and having the kind of character that makes people want to say Wow. The response from the kids was great and I'm confident they were blessed. Next it was out to Crimond school for a "Recognition Tea." The school wanted to thank all who contribute in some way to the school by serving us tea and fine home baked cakes (from Simpson's). I was extra pleased when two of the boys came through and presented me with a card and a box of chocolates for taking the time to play some football with them. I love the school! Afterward it was off to Central for ball games. We had a blast playing some volley ball with a huge 3ft ball. Lastly we had just enough energy to finish the day with Anna Ritchie school. A fitting end to a magic day. Had a great game with the boys and got to wish all the boys and girls, as they were leaving, a goo weekend. You have got to be here to know how amazing this school is - words don't cut it!

One other, out of the blue, thing happened today. While we were at Burnhaven school the head, Mrs Phillips told me she had accepted the post as head for Meethill School. This is a school in town that previously I have had no success in getting into, other that with the Harding group, but it looks like after the summer break I will get the opportunity to start there too! Amazing what relationships can accomplish. It looks like the next school year is off to a flyer already - God is good!

That's all for now - off to Dundee tomorrow for a camp Tayside meeting. Will be great to catch up with all the team for this year.

God bless!

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