Thursday 26 June 2008

Something New!

On Tuesday night I had one of the most encouraging nights in a long time. I met up with John Campbell at the building to play some table tennis. I went not fully knowing how inspiring that night was going to become. After we smashed the little white ball for a couple of hours and after John nipped it 4-3, the last game going to the wire at 20-20 and John winning it in the end with an "off the edge of the table" shot, we talked for a while about the next step as far as bringing the teens up to the next level. It is amazing what can come about when two minds, with the same goal in mind, dream and look ahead. We have a fantastic group of teens who come on Thursday night, last week the group was around 30. And although they love coming and I am convinced this group is, potentially, where we are going to see growth in the church here, both John and I feel there needs to be something in between what they are experiencing on a Thursday night and our traditional Sunday night Gospel meeting. So, we are going to try something next Sunday night. We will invite them all to come to a meeting designed for them. We will meet in the less formal youth/fellowship hall, where they meet on Thursday nights, and we will tailor the night to their needs. If this works out and the response is good we will push to continue with this format and have one every last Sunday of the month. We are very excited about this and tonight at class we will challenge the group to be there. I ask for your prayers in this step of faith. It is one of the most real and positive steps we have taken in a while and we are hopeful that this will prove to be a milestone in the work of the kingdom here.

More on the positive front! On Monday night when we had our Primary school age class, we had some visitors come. I know this might sound to you a small thing, but I am blown away by it. Thomas, Shaun, Andrew and Rachel, four of the teens who come to classes popped round to the building because they knew we had a class with the young ones. They quickly got involved with the kids and has a great time. What made it real to me was last night after bible class Thomas came to me and asked if they could get involved helping out on Monday nights. I am so encouraged that "church" is becoming a part of their thinking and their lifestyle. Again, this gives us reason to hope and is evidence that God is active here.

The next few days until the end of school term will be very active. This is a brilliant time of year and one that offers so much opportunity. I have been invited to many of the schools "end of term" services and invites to tea and coffee mornings in recognition of the work I do in the school's. I don't say this to blow my trumpet, but to let you all know how blessed I am to have this relationship in the schools here. I will be involved is a variety of roles from being a judge at talent shows to attending Crimond schools performance of the Wizard of Oz.

We are taking the younger kids in the youth group to see the Kung Fu Panda at the cinema next Friday as an end of term treat. It really has caused a buzz around the school playgrounds. This will be the 1st outing in a while and is wholly thanks to the Harding Campaign group who very kindly left us some funds and will allow us to plan some stuff in their honor.

This past Sunday was neat. We had a flying visit from Mike Wood and a group of Harding education students. It really was a breath of fresh air and it is always good when lives touch, even for a short time. I also preached the evening gospel meeting and spoke on the fundamental need for Faith, Hope and Love.

Please keep our efforts in your prayers - God bless!

PS. My brother George and his family get here on Tuesday next week! Can't wait for that.


Lisa said...

Billy- So good to hear about the teen class and what Sunday evenings may hold. Glad you will have a chance to spend time with George, Donna and kids.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

I am playing golf in the morning so I hope you are ready for a beating.
