Saturday 16 August 2008

Our time in London

We have just got back from London and all have extremely sore feet! What a time of joy it was. Yes, we had the usual issues with not pleasing everybody all of the time, but what a joy to have been close as a family for a whole 6 days. I loved being able to take Holly and Hannah to the London Zoo, even if the walk there almost killed us. It was priceless! The whole trip was lovely. One of the highlights was going to see "Wicked" a stage show related to the wizard of oz. As I write this I am made aware of the fact that no, we didn't visit Stamford bridge or The Reebok stadium and once again I am aware that I am surrounded by women, but you know what, it's OK. Running around looking at jewellery in the markets or shoe shopping, or doing "Harrods" which was OK because there was a Krispy Kreme there, after a while I took a step back and realised that my family are getting older and that Amy will be finishing school this year and beginning her adult life. I began to appreciate what I had as a father and a husband. I suppose it is good to have times like that because time goes by so quickly and often times I fail to appreciate. I love my family - very much.

It doesn't help that I am writing this blog thousands of miles from them. From being with them 24/7 to now being without them 24/7 is tough. I know how much I rely on them for my joy in life - and I miss them. I know this trip is very necessary and essential for our ministry, but right at this moment I would gladly trade all I have for a family hug.

Woops, kinda got carried away a bit there. This first part of my trip is huge and I am thankful to God that He provides what we need when we most need it. I will not go into detail, but Greg & Shannon Cole has been a place of great solace and peace for me. It is a joy to know that even when separated from my family and friends, in Christ we have family who care throughout this world.

I know that this is a little selfish, but I ask for your prayers. I will find rest knowing that there are brothers and sisters holding me up before God.

Take Care and God bless!


Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful family. Your girls are all great in there own sort of way. I feel sorry you though not having that male support.

See you this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Just been reading your blogg. Thinking about you. Hope you had a relaxing time with George and family. Miss you Give you a ring again when you are back at harding.

LOL Mam xxx

Anonymous said...

Just had Holly and Hannah out after school. What a fun they had on the Wii. That was a great birthday present. Fenella thought you were a bit down so I thought I would write to you. I have to get my stookie off in 2 weeks so I will be glad. Fenella said it would be a mess though. Maureen took me to Inverurie yesterday. She wheeled me in the wheelchair. It was good to get away from the house. We are at Buckie on Sunday. We are looking forward to hasa not had much mackerel this week. He is going out to creels tomorrow so he is hoping for a few lobsters. We are missing you and are keeping you in our prayers. God bless. xxx Mam.