Wednesday 22 October 2008

The 3rd Sunday in The Month

I have to share what happened on Sunday night with you all. It was decided a wee while back that we could try a different approach to the format of the Sunday night meeting every 3rd Sunday in the month. It is a chance for us "younger" men to take leadership of the format in an effort to encourage visitors to come and see. This was our 3rd one and although John Campbell was away on holiday, David Chapman did a fantastic job in making sure the night got off to a welcoming and relaxed start. David was great at involving the audience and leading the singing in a focused and thoughtful way. When it was time for me to get up and preach, it just seemed so natural for me. I love the setting and the tone we are able to create on occasions like this. As usual I had spent a lot of time on the presentation of the message and had PowerPoint to use images that help engage the audience. I preached about the fundamental truth of Good and Evil and used Snow White V's. Wicked Queen, Batman V's. Joker and Darth Vader V's. Luke Skywalker to illustrate. I then put up a slide of Mother Teresa and Mira Hindley to bring the reality home, that we all have the potential to pursue good or evil. I talked about Jesus prayers and His will that we be protected and delivered from the evil one. I finished up focusing on two facts, the fact that Jesus IS good and if He is in us we can OVERCOME evil and the fact that Christ is GREATER than the one that is in the world. We finished up and enjoyed a time of fellowship over a cup of tea. Everyone stayed a good while and enjoyed being together.

I must tell you about who all was there! That afternoon I spent a lot of time inviting people to come. I called families who have kids coming to classes and couples who I thought might be interested in coming. I also called a bunch of our teens who come through the week to come. The response was amazing. I have a drive in me now to invite people to come that was not as powerful before. I have hope that what we are doing on these Sunday nights has the potential to impact the lives of the lost and seeking. The result was that we had almost as much visitors as our own brethren. It makes a huge difference when preaching to know there are souls out there in need of the Words of Life. We had 14 teenagers there. Two of them were there for the first time, Shaun Main and Andrew Forman. Shaun is a great young man and is a potential leader in our developing group. It was sooo encouraging to see him come. Thomas Dickie and Rachel came again, this was their second time to come and I am hugely impressed with Thomas. His eyes the whole time I was preaching never moved! Shari, Thomas' mum came too! I was so thrilled that she came and after talking a while I can see that she has a sincere spiritual side. The following morning I got a very encouraging e-mail from Shireen, expressing how impacting the message was for her. I am confident that the next time we have our 3rd Sunday meeting that we will have more visitors and more opportunity to plant the beautiful seeds of the gospel in the hearts of the lost and seeking.

If you all have opportunity to keep our efforts in your prayers, that would mean so much! I am hopeful that God is using this time in a big way and it would mean everything to know that you are helping with your prayers.

I need to mention our time with Ian and Barbara Starrs! We spent an evening with them and were hugely encouraged by their hearts. Ian and Barbara have been in ministry for a long time and listening to their wisdom and experience was a blessing to Fenella and I. It's always good to have "Pit Stops" like this and it is encouraging to know that in Christ there are always people who know and care.

Well, enough for now - God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May it continue, it sounds like the youth really enjoy your teaching. It sounds like great fun! Also, if Shireen and other youths saying they enjoyed it am sure they will continue to enjoy it Billy.
How are the kids? I read that Amy and Beth are away to Norway. Bet you miss them.