Monday 27 October 2008

A Full Weekend

Well, we said goodbye to Amy and Beth this morning as they left to spend a week in Norway as part of a school music exchange. They have been sooo excited about this trip and every now and again either of them would just blurt out, "We're going to Norway on Monday!" It was hilarious watching them pack and convincing each other what they needed to bring and how much "Kroner" (Norwegian Currency) they would need to take with them. Both by the weight of their cases and the spending money they have accumulated (thanks to everyone!) you would think they were of for a month!

As a dad I was happy to see them both sharing the same excitement and interest and it was a thrill to see them constantly together feeding of each others joy. It was also crazy for a while as they zipped from room to room trying to gather everything up from the four corners of the house as well as ironing and nipping back and forth to the computer to "facebook" the Norwegian girls they were staying with - women!

Having said all that I am so proud of them both. I have no doubt that they will be a joy to host and will be considerate and diligent in all they are involved in as they represent the school. They had already established that their host families were Christians and that their lifestyle is very similar to our girls, so again I take great joy in all that.

Yesterday was a pretty full day for me. I went to bible class not anticipating having to teach the adult class. As everyone arrived there was a growing realisation that no-one had been prompted to cover the class. So, I took the plunge and shared a study on the Lord's Table. The response was great and the discussion around the teaching was an encouragement. The only thing was that during the class my voice started giving out and I had to preach at the worship too. Things got stretched when I ended up song leading too, which was great, but the whole time I was praying that there would be enough left for preaching. I drank plenty water and am glad to report that all was well. I preached on HOPE and wanted everyone to realise that when God's involved we need to be expecting and anticipating that every day has the potential to be huge, when we exercise the "Living Hope" that is ours in Christ. Everyone was encouraged, not least myself! It was a good day and even being thrown in at the deep end at the bible class made me realise that if we are willing God will give the strength needed to bless others.

Yesterday happened to be my dad's 60th birthday! It is incredible to believe he is 60. I found it really hard to find the right thing to say in his card. This is a huge milestone in his life and I wanted him to know that I have appreciated his life thus far. He continues to be a big example in my life and Thursday coffee times are an important part of my life. I am prayerful that God has many years mapped out for him yet as I know his heart for the kingdom.

Well, enough of the sentimental stuff! God bless you all.,

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