Saturday, 5 June 2010

Under way!!!

Campaign has begun!! Everyone arrived last night during our teen class. I can't quit believe that this is it! Things are going so well so far. We had a fantastic day today with our picnic. The weather in the morning was gorgeous until about 3:30 then it began to rain. I don't know how many were there, but there were a bunch! We had, I think 8 families from the mother and toddler group. It was good to see tiny children running around in the sunshine. We had about 40 kids there and about the same in adults. Everyone had their fill of good times. This evening we were at the building beginning to get the school Program sorted and getting the group confident in their roles. What a joy to be working with such an amazing bunch. I will tell you more later about the content of our program, let me add it is centred around two "knocking down" cavemen who through the progress of the presentation are changed into two "lifting Up" cavemen. Job done for today and I will now go to bed excited about worship tomorrow!

For this bunch to be doing this for the first time - their desire to serve is genuine and it is my joy to be working alongside them for the good of the community and for the furtherance of the Kingdom!

Please keep our efforts in your prayers. From Tuesday we will be presenting our program in 7 local schools which means we will be influencing over 2000 children with the blessing of our Father. Please also pray for Fenella and I as we try to keep the financial worries to the background and keep our focus in the campaign.

I am humbled and thankful for the readiness of fellow Christians who are fighting our corner and sharing our ministry with others - our deepest thanks.

Take care and God bless!

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