Thursday 28 February 2008

Two in one

It's good to now get a chance to sit and think back over the past two days. They have been and gone so fast! Tuesday was a tough day - When I got up I was pretty stressed out at everything I needed to get done. After a while I had to take time out and find some quiet time for God. It never ceases to amaze me how often I charge through the day doing good things, but forget to invite God along! Tuesday morning was one of those times. After getting things straight and realising how weak I was, I asked for strength to get through the day, for patience and tolerance to handle the P1's at Central during lunch time and for the right things to say in Clerkhill school that afternoon. Although, for the rest of the day I was feeling weak, everything I was involved in went so well! Lunchtime at Central with the P1's was great thanks to some help from Holly and Carleene. The two assemblies at Clerkhill went amazingly well too. The talk was about mother's and how they show some of the qualities of God in how they care for us. The children in both groups were involved and I know they were blessed.

Upon reflection of Tuesday the "Footprints in the sand" comes to mind. By the way, If you have not yet heard it - Leona Lewis has just released "Footprints in the Sand" as her new single!

Amy left for Ireland on Tuesday morning and it was good timing when I went down to see her of on the bus with her school friends. I realised, again, how blessed I am to have the family I have. Amy is now an adult and her role on the trip to Ireland is very huge, but I have no doubts what so ever that she has the character and maturity to shine. We miss her not being at home!

Wednesday was another day and having the morning with my beautiful wife again makes me smile inside! We went to "Simpson's" tea room and enjoyed having no distractions and being able to look across a table and just see each other. We went and got mother's day cards and some gifts and it was just so fine.
In the afternoon I went to Dales Park school and had my first taste of the P4-7's after school club. It was great! We had a short get to know each other time and got into some "Nucem" for the activity. It is always good to see the kids leaving with happy faces and looking forward to next week. I go regularly for assembly to DP school and it's so good to have this chance to get to know the kids better.

In the evening we had the supper and classes with the kids at church. We had a good time for the most part, but one or two of the boys were playing up a bit. We had the "Bible Quick Draw" and this continues to be a big hit. I showed a clip from the movie "Millions" and talked a little about the importance of helping people in need. My class was great and we really lost track of time and before we knew it we could hear everyone outside and noticed it was after 8pm. Wednesday nights is the time we have most people helping out and it really is a good indicator that we have some who are interested and care about the kids who come. May and my mum made pizza and brought ice cream and jelly for desert. The kids loved it! As ever Nina was ready to step up and teach at the last minute when needed. Fenella does a magic job with her class and Dianne and Angela likewise with theirs.

Take care and God bless!

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