Tuesday, 12 February 2008

The Doors Keep Opening!

It has been a beautiful day today - the sun has been shining and the sky has been blue. That totally reflects the day I've had. It has been a crazy day running between three schools today. This morning I took two assemblies at Dales Park School, one for the younger and one for the older. We had such a good time! The lesson went over well and I had plenty comments and good answers to know the kids got the point. After the lesson I taught the groups the "Mexican" and "Super-hero" version of the "Lord's Army" song. There was such a buzz as the kids left the hall after assembly, I know they were encouraged and blessed!

I had a great talk with the head mistress who invited me to stay for coffee with the staff while the kids were at play-time (recess). The end result is new opportunities to serve in the school!! I will be in on a Monday lunch time working with the P1-4's and again on Wednesday after school for the P5-7's. I am so excited!!! The school has about 200 children, so having the opportunity to be a more constant and involved influence has got to be good. Praise God!

I was at Central school over lunch time with the P1's. I had everything thought through and really thought things would be great, but like last week there was one or two who made it such a hard session. Most of the kids were involved and enjoying themselves, but one boy would not tow the line. In the end it was a good session and for the most part the kids were happy and involved, but I was really stretched thin and my patience was severely tested!

Got home for about 30 minutes and then it was off to Clerkhill School for the P6 and 7's assembly. It's amazing how obvious differences between schools are in certain areas. Clerkhill is the biggest school in Peterhead and it may be why things don't seem as intimate there as with the likes of Dales Park. I had a good time with the kids and got a good lesson accross, so in all it's good. Had a good chat with the head teacher for a 10 minutes before the kids came into the hall.

I was glad to get home to my own family and find out all about the day's happenings.

1 comment:

Chrissy Vick said...

Billy, it still amazes me to see what God is doing in the ministry at Peterhead. It's so inspiring to see how he keeps working in the lives of children to help his kingdom grow. I miss your family and all of the kids so very much. Please send them my love this week at the classes. I think of you all and pray for you everyday. Part of my heart is still in Peterhead.