Wednesday 3 September 2008

Next stage

I have got to begin this blog with the highest of praise for Fenella! It has weighed heavy on my heart the whole time I've been over here the fact that I will miss the first four weeks of the new school term. I was scared that I would be out of the loop as far as Assemblies and school clubs. My beautiful P.A. has contacted all the schools to explain my absence and has filled my diary, so that when I get home I can slip right into the schools and minister. I am soooo thrilled and am at peace knowing that the schools are sorted.

Yesterday I arrived in Manchester, Connecticut. Took the whole day travelling to get there. As soon as I got off the plane there were two friendly faces there to greet me. I am always humbled when I think of the connections and extended family we have as a result of Christ. Here I am half way across the world and there are friends who are hospitable and extend Christ's love - it is truly lovely. I am looking forward to my time here in the North and pray our ministry will again be well received.

I have to admit that this past Sunday I was on a downer. I was missing Fenella and the girls and everywhere I turned there were families! So, on the Monday I cleared out and went to Little Rock to do some shopping for the family. It was exactly what I needed - to be by myself for a while and just thinking about my family. Even though I was standing in Old Navy with clothes all around me I had no idea what to pick out!

The last few days when I was in Searcy were good. I met up with a bunch of people. Had coffee one night with Jenny, who spent the summer with us, and Hannah Valls who spent the summer in Zambia. We talked about the kingdom and being able to see with a different perspective having experienced different cultures and stuff. I had an evening with Dwight and Caroline, who had invited a house full of people. It was at Dwight and Caroline's that one of the most memorable things happened. I got to meet Lachlan, who is also from Scotland. Dwight met him on a flight and started to study with him and invited him to stay a while until on Saturday night he was baptized into Christ. It was good to be in Lachlan's company and be inspired by his passion for the kingdom. It was a neat evening. Funnily enough Adam and Melonie Barr from Cumbernauld, Scotland were there getting Nicole settled into Harding.

I am now past the half way point of the trip and know things will fly from this point on. I am beginning to let myself think about being with Fenella and my girls knowing that there are less than two weeks to go.

I ask again for your prayers that the rest of my trip can be fruitful as I present the work in Peterhead and try to gain the support of people who are excited about the kingdom.

God bless!

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