Tuesday 29 January 2008

Monday night class doing great!

We had a great class tonight. There was a troop of kids - which is encouraging. For the second week we had 30 children come. I know the numbers are not the be all and end all of ministry, but it is a good indicator that the children are enjoying the experience of church and they are not afraid to invite their friends. Gave the kids a test tonight over the past 2 weeks lessons and the response looking at their answer papers is very good. Children are amazing! They let you know if something is good and their expressions are so genuine. We are making an effort to get the children interested in coming to the Wednesday night class, which is a bit more focused. Had some great helpers tonight - Angie as ever is there to make sure the tasks are taken in and new ones given out. There were a bunch of them handed in this week, don't know what % of kid's did them, but it looked like most of them did. This week their task is to eat at least one piece of fruit or veg a day. Angela Stephen was helping out tonight and it was good to have her back after being busy the past year finishing up some further education. The teens were great - they come in and look at the rota to see what their duties are and get stuck in! Everything about tonight's class was encouraging.

Earlier today I was at Crimond school for football coaching. I would love to say everything was fantastic, but that would not be the truth. For some strange reason the group were not getting along as well as normal and I spent a lot of time checking their lack of control and bad language. I realise there are influences that the group face at home and in their community that leave a lot to be desired and there are times I have to understand that there will be days like today when not everything is as we would like it to be. The last 15 minutes of the session was far better and there was far more team work and tolerance evident, but on the whole it was just, "one of those days." Even in light of the issues this afternoon with the group I know there were seeds planted and that next week is a new day.

Thanks to everyone who keeps the work here in their prayers. We are blessed with good people who are making our outreach to the children a lighter load this year - praise God!

P.S.Please don't stop praying for God's work here!


Anonymous said...

I am soooo glad your doing this blog!! We love ya'll so very much- so much of our hearts are right there with you. I wish we could be there to help you- you never know what God has in store. I just can't forget the night I saw you on the steps of your house on Merchant Street crying your eyes out because you felt the Spirit calling you away from the sea and into the hearts of young people! Now look what you and Fenella are doing- Praise God! We are so proud of your family and are proud to call you "ours".
Lots of love and hugs to the girls!

Donna Strachan said...

Sorry, I'm a bit slow at this stuff, that last post was me--Donna!! Hee Hee